Hey Delaware! Congrats on becoming the 22nd state to legalize recreational cannabis. This is a huge step for the cannabis industry as a whole. We are especially excited about working with Delaware cannabis businesses. In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of the state’s new recreational policies. We’ll also talk about why we’re so stoked about cannabis marketing in Delaware.
Delaware’s New Rec Cannabis Policy Details
Before we get into what’s great about Delaware’s cannabis laws, we’ll cover the basics. These are the general rules and regulations for recreational cannabis in Delaware:
- You must be 21 or older to possess a “personal use quantity” of marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia.
- 1 ounce or less of leaf marijuana is personal use, 12 grams or less of concentrates, or 750 milligrams of edibles such as gummies.
- Giving a personal use quantity as a gift is allowed.
- Growing marijuana for personal use continues to be prohibited.
- Transportation of a legal quantity of marijuana by adults is permitted in a vehicle as long as the marijuana is in a closed container or otherwise not readily accessible.
- Consumption is not permitted in “an area accessible to the public or in a moving vehicle.” Cannabis cannot be consumed within 10 feet of a “sidewalk, street, alley, parking lot, park, playground, store, restaurant, or any other area to which the general public is invited.”
- Employers are still permitted to enforce a zero-tolerance policy.
Bridging The Delaware Cannabis Gap
Delaware is located in a cannabis hot spot. It’s smack dab in the middle of New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia, DC, and New York, which have all legalized recreational cannabis.
Therefore, Delaware cannabis industry is going to join an already thriving East Coast cannabis market. It’s expected that the small state is going to make a huge impact. The budding cannabis market in Delaware is going to generate jobs and tax revenue, improving the overall state economy.
Delaware finally has the chance to have a seat at the cannabis table, reaping all the benefits the cannabis industry has to offer.
Social Equity Provisions in Delaware Cannabis
As cannabis professionals, it’s our responsibility to promote social equity. The War on Drugs has disproportionately affected communities of color. Delaware’s lawmakers have taken this into account when writing provisions for the legalization bill. We’re especially excited about the Delaware’s Justice Reinvestment Fund.
This fund will receive 7% of all marijuana taxes. The fund will support those affected by The War on Drugs, including “restorative justice, jail diversion, workforce development, industry-specific technical assistance, and mentoring services for economically disadvantaged persons.”
The Justice Reinvestment Fund will also financially support state-wide programs designed to create and develop technology to assist with the restoration of civil rights and expungement of criminal records, address the underlying cause of crime, reduce drug-related arrests, and reduce the prison population.
Social Equity Licenses
Additionally, the bill introduces “social equity licenses.” The new bill allows for 30 marijuana retail outlets, 60 cultivator licenses, 30 manufacturing licenses and 5 testing licenses. Reserved social equity licenses make up half of the state’s retail licenses.
To qualify for a social equity license, the applicant must be someone who has lived for at least five years in an area “disproportionately impacted” by the state’s enforcement of marijuana laws. Social equity applicants also include those who have previous minor marijuana convictions. Municipalities still reserve the right to opt-out of recreational marijuana businesses; however, this provision ensures that the new market does not get taken over by privileged populations.
PufCreativ: Helping You Achieve Your Goals for Cannabis Marketing in Delaware
PufCreativ is a multi-faceted creative marketing agency that works specifically with cannabis businesses. These include dispensaries, cultivators, and manufacturers of cannabis-related accessories.
Delivering quality marketing and brand development for B2B, B2C, and MSO clients, we offer a comprehensive array of cannabis marketing services. These include packaging and logo design, web design, social media marketing, copywriting, public relations, and more!
We prioritize your brand’s voice by ensuring that your vision shines through in all of our marketing materials. From top to bottom, our expert team will handle your marketing strategy.
Are you a cannabis business owner in Delaware looking to take your business to new heights? Contact us today! We can’t wait to be a part of your journey.