We’re in the midst of the 2019 Winter Holiday Season, and even if you’ve made it through the family Thanksgiving with few battle scars you’re undoubtedly experiencing some post-celebration fatigue. As we move to the next set of major holidays, it seems that we’re always running behind schedule and constantly trying to keep up. With work, family, social commitments etc., it’s easy to get bogged down into a rut and develop many side-effects of a stress-filled lifestyle.
Luckily, now you’ve got a secret weapon at your side when it comes to making sure your personal wellness is optimally covered. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to help with the above-mentioned issues, all the while making your entire body feel its natural goodness. Here at PufCreativ we believe in the value of research and information, so keep reading as we break down the specific uses of CBD that can (and will) keep your holidays from becoming a nightmare.
Cannabidiol & Anxiety
According to the ADAA: “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 or older, or 18.1% of the population every year.” This is a whopping number, but it is not surprising. We have all had some contact with benzoapidimines (i.e. Xanax) and the negative effects they may have on their users. The numbers of prescriptions are staggering, but at what cost? Dependency on these dangerous pharmaceuticals greatly outweighs their capacity as anti-anxiety aids.
Why not go for the natural cure? In a recent study led by researchers at the University of Colorado (Denver) adults were monitored as large retrospective case studies. After a month of clinical CBD use, anxiety decreased in 57 patients (72 total) for a 79.2% percent decrease. These numbers remained decreased for the length of the study. So, grab yourself a can of refreshing Eclipse CBD-Infused Cucumber Mint Sparkling Water before the in-laws arrive, and you’ll be setting yourself up for much-needed and fast-acting relief!
Curbing Depression with CBD
Often times, even if you don’t suffer from seasonal depression it is easy to start feeling “down” when the holiday months roll around. While this is perfectly normal, it can certainly get in the way of your preparation time, that big holiday vacation, or finishing up those last few weeks at work before the big break. No matter what you’re trying to accomplish this holiday season, be sure to stay preventative and implement CBD into your regimen. Try a can of Upwell Grapefruit Sparkling CBD Water daily and you will ensure you have a solid foundation of wellness even before you set about your tasks.
CBD & Sleep
In the same recent study mentioned above, scientists attempted to take a good look at cannabidiol’s potential to act as a sleep inducer and regulator. Again, a large case study was undertaken for a sample of 72 adults suffering from poor sleeping patterns. Of these, 66.7% experienced improved sleep scores which is certainly a substantial number considering the lack of side-effects associated with cannabidiol compared to other pharmaceuticals such as Ambien.
So, if you’re dreading the holidays and you just can’t seem to fall asleep no matter what you try, be sure to give Dr. Robb Farm’s Mom’s Formula CBD a shot. Meant to be taken daily just like a fish oil pill, its 5:1 CBD to THC ratio ensures that you’re getting exactly what your body needs on a regular basis. You might even want to offer some to that annoying in-law/uncle/aunt/cousin/etc, it’ll help them to relax and get great sleep, making it a much more pleasant experience for everybody.
Get to know Dr. Robb Farms VP of Sale Chris Equale in PufCreativ CEO John Shute’s newest Anchor FM Podcast here:
From our PufCreativ family to yours, we want to wish you all a happy, healthy, and most of all stress-free 2019 Holiday Season!